Report damage and cleanliness issues right from the app


It’s possible to notify us of new damage, or a messy car, directly in the Communauto app. Simply click on “Report (damage, cleanliness)” in the main menu.

Here are some guidelines to make your reports even more effective:

What to report?

Via the form now available in the app:

  • Any damage for which you are responsible: (see article 5.1 of the Rules and Regulations for more details on what is mandatory to report).
  • Any significant damage that is not already listed on the damage card located in the vehicle’s glove box:
    • outside the vehicle: visible damage or cracks resulting from an impact or significant rub and clearly requiring intervention on our part, damage to the windshield (crack or chip larger than a dime), etc.
    • inside the vehicle: broken dashboard accessories, tears in fabric (on a seat, or other), etc.
  • Any mess that can be cleaned (i.e. discarded food/wrappers, masks/wipes, pet hair/paw prints) and/or which indicates a flagrant lack of courtesy to others, which is important to denounce.

By phone:

Any problem or damage preventing the use of the vehicle: never leave a voicemail message or use our reporting form to report a problem that requires immediate intervention.

Don’t report:

  • Permanent stains on the seat fabric (unfortunately we will not be able to remove them).
  • Small scuffs or superficial scratches, small rust spots, or barely visible dents.

Avoid sending us more photos than necessary

A picture is already worth a thousand words, and extra photos only add unnecessary processing time.

In addition, to make it easier for us to assess the situation, it’s better to provide us with wider photos rather than a close-up shot. Take a second, closer photo only if necessary (if what you want to draw our attention to isn’t obvious in the first photo). In most cases, a single photo should suffice.

What follow-up should you expect?

Any damage that impacts the drivability of the vehicle, or damage that could quickly get worse without proper attention, will be addressed without delay.

Minor damage that is purely aesthetic in nature, however, is subject to prioritization. This damage is noted on the vehicle damage card to help avoid duplicate reports.

In the case of messy vehicle reports, we also need to prioritize, as it’s not possible to send out a fleet agent after every single report. In this regard, the photos you take and send in are of great help to us. They allow us to move up a vehicle’s cleaning as necessary, and reach out to potential culprits.

It’s thanks to the contribution of as many people as possible that we’ll all be able to “drive cleaner”.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation!

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